torek, 12. maj 2015

NOTD: Flowers

Kot tretja stvar, ki sem si jo izbrala na spletni strani Born Pretty Store je čudovita cvetlična paletka. V teh spomladanskih dneh imamo lahko nekaj cvetlic tudi na svojih nohtih, ne samo v naravi. :-) 
As the third thing that I have chosen from the website Born Pretty Store is a beautiful flower stick. In these spring days we can have some flowers on our nails, not only in nature. :-)

Essence: True Love & BP56

Paletko lahko dobite tule (#19359). Na paletki imate štiri različne vzorce, ki jih lahko poljubno kombinirate med seboj.
You can get this stick here (#19359). On the stick you have four different patterns that can be freely combined with each other.

Essence: True Love & BP56

Sama sem se tokrat odločila za roza podlago Essence: True love, dodala pa sem mu dva različna vzorčka cvetlic.
This time I have decided for a pink base Essence: True love, I added him two different flowers samples.

Essence: True Love

Odziv sodelavk me je res presenetil, saj so bile vse navdušene nad mojo manikuro. 
I was really surprised by the response of colleagues, because they were all enthusiastic about my manicure.

Essence: True Love & BP56

Zato sem jim predlagala, naj ob naročilo na spletni strani Born Pretty Store nikar ne pozabijo na najino promo kodo za 10% popusta: MDX31. 
That is why I have suggested that when they order on the website Born Pretty Store don`t forget our promo code for 10% discount: MDX31.

Essence: True Love & BP56

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