torek, 2. julij 2013


V nedeljo smo se s prijatelji odločili, da se gremo malce rekreirat. 
On Sunday me and my friends decided to do some recreation.

Rože. Flowers.

Odpravili smo se na Nanos (1100m).
We went to Nanos (1100m). 


Na začetku smo sicer bili malce v dvomu, ali bo vreme sploh zdržalo.
At the beginning we weren`t sure about the weather because there was a chance of rain.


Imeli smo srečo, saj je le na vrhu malce pršelo, drugače pa je vreme zdržalo.
But we were lucky, we had just a litlle rain at the top, otherwise it was ok.


Imeli smo se super. Nahodili smo se, naklepetali tudi. 
We had a great time. We had enought walking and talking. 

Vojkova koča. Vojko lodge.

Kmalu gremo še kam skupaj. 
Soon we will go also somewhere alse. 

Vrh Nanosa. Top of the Nanos.

2 komentarja:

  1. it doesnt look like something I would do, but it's beautiful =)


    1. It is beautifull :-)
      Hahahaha, you can get on the top with a car :-P


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